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Agricultural Applications

Grass (Grazing) During growing season 600/750kg per ha (5-6 cwts per acre)
Grass (Cropping) On exclusion of stock, up to 1250kg per ha (5 cwts per acre) split application reccommended
Cereals Top dress with 600kg per ha (5 cwts per acre)
Potatoes and Vegetables At planting 1250kg per ha (10 cwts per acre) followed by top dressing at 500kg per ha (4 cwts per acre)

Leisure Applications

Soil Conditioning 12 measures per square yard, apply as required
Vegetables, fruits and Flowers Planting - 3 measures per square yard, Top Dressing - 2 measures per square yard
Roses and Shrubs Planting -3 measures per square yard
1st Buds -3 measures per square yard
2nd Bloom -2 measures per square yard
Baskets and Pots For new baskets and pots mix of one measure, per container, to your growing medium.
For existing containers apply of one measure and work into growing medium.
Tomatoes Apply 'of one measure per plant at planting, followed by further of one measure when fruit sets. Work both applications into the growing medium.
Garden Composting Excellent as a fermentation activator, dose by sprinkling 4 measures every 8 - 10 inches as you build your heap.
Liquid Feed Dissolve one measure per gallon of water
Lawns Apply in the spring at one measure per square yard. For those needing to improve their lawns significantly, we recommend two further applications at 8 week intervals of 2/3rds of one measure


Golf Courses/Race Courses
Sports Fields
Greenvale Pellets or Crumble can be supplied in 25 kg Sacks. Prices on application
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